
Social Media Impact for eMarketing 21

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Social Media Impact score is a measure of how much a site is popular on social networks. is very popular in Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus and

scored 100 Social Media Impact.

The CoolSocial report was updated on 4 Jun 2015.

You can refresh this social media impact analysis to update. got 5/5.0 Stars by Social Team. is liked by 15 people on Facebook, it has 1 Twitter shares, it has 3293 Twitter followers and it has 15 Google Plus shares. Its Facebook page up to 4 Jun 2015 has 457 likes.

Here is the social media statistics from CoolSocial, a website analyzer:


Expand your audience by including links to popular social sites on your mobile website: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest, YouTube.

Use the social media channels to enable your readers to share your messages.

Visitors to your Twitter profile, Facebook profile, and Facebook fan page can click the links provided to view your message, to subscribe to your newsletter or/and to fill up a contact form.

On your mobile website, visitors should have the option to subscribe to your social media marketing campaigns.

You can tweet out your messages and newsletters and share them on Facebook automatically. The integration works similar for other social media sites.

Here are some data to advocate for using social media marketing:

Social media is the #1 marketing channel where marketers plan to increase budget in 2015 ( 2015 State of Marketing, Salesforce, January 2015)

• 64% of marketers see social media as a critical enabler of their products and services (2015 State of Marketing, Salesforce, January 2015)

• 53% of consumers expect a Twitter response within an hour — and 72% expect it when they have complaints (Millward Brown Digital, October 2013)

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